Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Yet Another Tiny Backup

Yet Another Tiny Backup

General information

Backup tool for one of my production instances. It implements very simple logic for my special requirements.

Algorithm: yatbackup can compress whole folder using specified archiver. In case, when another backup with same hash available in destination folder, new archive will be deleted.

Yes, it's all.

Why do I need it? I need create backup of some folder using cron, but I don't need duplicate archives.

Also, I need to understand that utility successfully finished, even no new archives was created.

Source code and documentation available here:

How to use it

First of all, you need to create configuration file which describes your requirements. Then you can call yatbackup using this command line: --config /etc/yatbackup/conf.conf

In this case we running yatbackup with configuration in file /etc/yatbackup/conf.conf

Configuration files

General information

yatbackup behaviour can be controlled using configuration files. Examples can be found in /examples folder of repository.

main section

All configuration files must contain main section

In this case, we want to backup s:/AmSystem/tapvisor folder into s:/dest folder using 7z archiver. Also, we want ignore folder/file with name __pycache__ in all directories (recursivelly). In root folder we want ignore all these folders:
  • tmp
  • sendfile_download
  • dev
  • log
  • nmon
  • .git
  • .idea
  • uploads
Also, we want calculate hash of result file using sha-256 and save it in same folder.

compressors section

Configuration files can have section with pathes of all known archivers.

7z=c:/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe
tar=c:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/tar.exe
bzip2=c:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/bzip2.exe

When path specified this path will be used when archiver specified in [main]compressor

Output example

For example, in case when we have configuration as listed below, when we call yatbackup calling:
> d:\Python35\python.exe --config .\examples\tapvisor.conf

We will get files tapvisor-20170411T183716.7z and tapvisor-20170411T183716.sha256 in s:\dest\ folder.

Next, we call our command again and will get tapvisor-20170411T183742.skip which demostrates that yatbackup successfully executed and no backups created.

Next, we will call our command again and again receiving new .skip file without new archives created. Old .skip files will be automatically deleted. So, using .skip files we can understand that yatbackup was called and successfully finished all operations, but no new archive was created.

New archive will be created only if target folder content will be cnahged.

Usage example

In my case I preffer use yatbackup via cron. To edit system cron file you shall call: $ sudo crontab -e

And add something like this:  
0 3 * * * /home/bohdan/yatbackup/ --config /home/bohdan/yatbackupconfig/tapvisor.conf&

In this case every night at 3 AM yatbackup will be executed using config in /home/bohdan/yatbackupconfig/tapvisor.conf

If you want to play with cron rules you can use this Online Cron Rules Editor


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