Saturday, February 21, 2015

Energia library for MSP430 internal temp sensor

Energia library for MSP430 internal temp sensor

I added little library for MSP430 internal temperature sensor usage.This sensor is not very precise but can be used if necessary.

You can access source code and see example file here:

Also, you can find post on 43oh:

Notice, that you can use float values for temperature or int16 (also with decimal part of temperature value). When using int16 temperature will be returned in this way:
  • 23.5 C will be returned as 235 (0xEB) integer value;
  • 54.3 C will be returned as 543 (0x21F) integer value
When using float values (on my MSP430G2553) memory usage will be like this:
binary sketch size: 7 625 bytes (of a 16 384 byte maximum)

When using int16 memory usage will be:
binary sketch size: 3 359 bytes (of a 16 384 byte maximum)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cool commands for your Raspberry Pi

Cool commands for your Raspberry Pi

Here some cool commands for your everyday usage of RPi.
# Check CPU temperature
/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp

# Check RAM
free -m

# Check RAM every 3 seconds
free -m -s 3

# Check CPU load

# Check system information
uname -a

# Check any failed login
sudo lastb

# Check uptime


Monday, February 2, 2015

Problem with I2C on Raspberry Pi after Raspbian update

Problem with I2C on Raspberry Pi after Raspbian update 


My DS3231 does not work on Raspberry Pi after update for Linux 3.18.5+ :(


The latest firmware implements device tree support. That will have broken things like I2C, SPI, and 1-wire bus.